Can You Get Dental Implants While Pregnant?

Pregnancy is often a time of joy and anticipation, but it also comes with its fair share of health considerations. As an expectant parent, you want to ensure that you and your growing baby are healthy and safe throughout the pregnancy journey. Maintaining good oral health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, but what about dental implants? Are they safe during pregnancy?

Here are some of the safety considerations surrounding dental implants and pregnancy, so you can make informed decisions about your oral health during this time.

Dental health and pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormonal changes can lead to an increased risk of certain dental issues such as gum disease and tooth decay. These changes may affect the health of your gums and teeth, making regular dental check-ups and oral hygiene practices more important than ever. Neglecting your oral health during pregnancy can potentially impact not only your well-being but also your baby’s health: studies have shown a link between oral health and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

However, the ideal time for dental implant placement is before pregnancy or after childbirth. Pre-planning dental implant procedures and addressing any existing dental issues before pregnancy can help avoid the need for major dental work during gestation.

Of course, not all pregnancies are planned. If you find you’re pregnant during the implant and healing process, your Cleveland Implant Institute care team can communicate with obstetricians to ensure a coordinated approach to your overall health. Usually, however, this means waiting to finish the process until after birth.

Hormonal changes, x-rays, sedation and dental implants

There are a few reasons dental implants during pregnancy are not recommended. X-rays and sedation are typically safe for pregnant patients—necessary dental work like cleanings, filling cavities and general checkups can be performed throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.

However, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can influence your physiological processes. Dental implants rely on a process called osseointegration, where the implant fuses with the jawbone. Hormonal changes may affect bone healing and osseointegration, potentially influencing the success of the dental implant. Thus, timing is a crucial factor in ensuring optimal outcomes.

Post-surgery complications during pregnancy

Post-surgery complications can pose additional challenges during pregnancy, as certain medications and treatment options are restricted. Pregnant patients may be at a higher risk of infection and implant failure due to compromised oral health, limiting the available pain relief and treatment options. For example, most pregnant patients are unable to take even over-the-counter pain relief, and certain types of antibiotics can cause harm to the developing fetus.

Plan for dental implants with Cleveland Implant Institute

Dental implants can be a safe and effective solution for replacing missing teeth, but the process is not recommended during pregnancy. Dr. Mike and the Cleveland Implant Institute care team will consider the timing of the procedure, patient eligibility and any necessary, related procedures before creating a care plan. Whether you’re planning to get implants or have discovered an unexpected pregnancy during the implant process, we can help you every step of the way. Call today to discuss your options.

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