The Success Rate of Dental Implants Speaks for Itself

Missing teeth can cause myriad problems. From issues with chewing and speaking to jawbone loss and alignment problems, even one missing tooth can be tough. Plus, when missing teeth are in the front, many people feel self-conscious about smiling and interacting with others.

Dental implants are the ideal solution for replacing missing teeth. Not only do they look and function just like your natural teeth, they’re nearly permanent, easy to care for, and best of all, they boast a high success rate.

Success rate of dental implants

According to this study, the success rate of dental implants ranges from 90 to 95 percent. As technology and dental innovations improve, the success rate may grow even higher.

To be considered “successful,” the patient’s jaw must heal properly around the implant root and support the crown or arch placement. This is called osseointegration.

One of the keys to ensuring dental implant success is to ensure that the patient is a good candidate for them. Dr. Mike and the Cleveland Implant Institute always perform thorough examinations to determine whether a patient’s jawbone can support implants. If not, they may be able to recommend other solutions, such as bone grafts or zygomatic/pterygoid implants.

Factors affecting dental implant success

The success rate of dental implants can vary, depending on several factors. Here are some of the most common considerations:

  • Adequate bone quality and quantity: Sufficient bone density is crucial for successful placement and integration. Good bone density ensures that your implants will remain stable and supported during the osseointegration process. Bone grafting is often used to augment bone volume in cases where the jaw cannot current support implants.
  • Implant selection and placement: Choosing the appropriate implant system and placement is critical to dental implant success. Considerations such as jawbone density, location of adjacent teeth, function and aesthetics are considered during the planning phase.
  • Oral hygiene: To ensure a successful implant process, good oral hygiene is critical. Patients who regularly brush, floss, rinse with mouthwash and visit their dentists regularly are more likely to be good candidates for implants—and those habits are equally important during the healing process.
  • Health and lifestyle: A patient’s overall health and lifestyle habits play a big role in dental implant success. Conditions like unmanaged diabetes, autoimmune disorders and smoking can interfere with the body’s natural healing process. This affects osseointegration. Your Cleveland Implant Institute care team will review any health concerns and make suggestions to ensure successful implantation.
  • Qualified dental professionals: Finally, choosing a dental professional with appropriate expertise and experience makes a significant difference. Skilled professionals with in-depth knowledge of dental implants and surgical techniques help ensure accurate diagnosis, meticulous planning, proper implant type and precise placement—all of which increase the already strong likelihood that your implants will remain strong and stable the rest of your life.

If you’re ready to explore the possibilities, reach out to the Cleveland Implant Institute today. Dr. Mike and your care team are dedicated to ensuring every patient’s smile is safely and successfully improved.

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