What Are Pterygoid Dental Implants?

Most people are familiar with traditional dental implants—they’re placed in the jawbone to replace missing teeth. But did you know there’s a specialized type of implant designed for those who have lost bone in the upper jaw?

Pterygoid dental implants offer stability and support for challenging cases. If you’ve dismissed the idea of dental implants due to bone loss, this might be the best solution for restoring your smile.

What are pterygoid implants?

Pterygoid dental implants are a type of implant placed in the pterygoid region of the upper jaw, which is located near the back of the mouth. This area is closer to the base of the skull and offers a dense, stable bone structure. It’s an ideal site for implants when your upper jawbone has insufficient density or volume.

Unlike conventional implants, which are placed directly into the jawbone, pterygoid implants are angled and anchored in the pterygoid plate. It provides a secure foundation for the implant, even when the upper jaw has significant bone loss.

This type of implant makes it possible to support dental prosthetics, without the need for bone grafting. Pterygoid implants are often used to replace upper molars. They can also be part of a full arch restoration, thanks to the excellent support for dentures or bridges.

The consultation process

The first step to determining whether pterygoid implants are right for you is to schedule a consultation. Your consultation with Dr. Mike is designed to ensure you receive a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Initial evaluation: Your process begins with a comprehensive oral examination. Dr. Mike will assess your overall dental health, focusing on the condition of your upper jaw and any areas of bone loss. This may include digital X-rays or 3D imaging to get a clear view of your jawbone structure.
  2. Discussion of dental and health history: Dr. Mike will discuss your dental history, including any previous treatments, ongoing issues and your goals for your smile. He’ll also ask you about your overall health, to determine whether you’re a good candidate for implants.
  3. Assessment: Based on the evaluation, Dr. Mike will determine if pterygoid implants are the right option for you. He will explain how the implants work, why they might be preferred over traditional implants and how they can improve your smile.
  4. Customized treatment plan: If pterygoid implants are suitable, Dr. Mike will create a personalized treatment plan. This plan will outline the steps involved, from implant placement to final restoration, so you know exactly what to expect.

Pterygoid dental implants are a great option for people with upper jaw bone loss and related conditions. If you’ve been told that traditional implants aren’t an option due to bone loss, pterygoid implants might be the perfect solution for you.

Ready to learn more? Schedule a consultation with us today to find out which dental implant procedures could be right for you.


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